Prediction on Italian IMU tax litigations using two neural network, Gru & LSTM, custom Attention layer for each. Focus on explainabilty through visualization of attention layer weights on text, LIME and N-GRAM analysis
Analysis of a public dataset from U.S.A - EPA. Focus on pm2.5, prediction using kriging interpolation.
Classic and modern time series forecasting, different prediction and accurate analysis.
Dataset with 29 features about brest cancer. Principal component analysis followed by a logistic regression; decision tree alghoritm for a different perspective.
In my 20s, I gained a lot of experience as a salesman, traveling the world and training teams of people.
In addition, my real passions are IT, data, and statistics, so I have completed my master's degree in "Economics and Business Analytics", 110 cum laude.
Using my passions to provide value in my work is my dream.
Few words, yet the right ones, describe me.